Warning: This page is image heavy. Frontpage says 22 minutes at 56k.
Some extra's: A various amount of FFU related things, not necessarily all Makenshi centric, are at the bottom of the page. All Images open in a new window
Sharing files - contact me if links become inactive.
Groundworks Book (15MB) cam shots, After Book (50MB) cam shots, After Spirals (14MB) Web Story, Bond of Pair (30MB) Scans, Before Drama CD (18MB) and After 2 Drama CD (46MB) uploaded to my SaveFile project. Note: Groundwork and After Book files are 1600x1200 camera images, I didn't even bother to crop/resize ect because there was so many.
{Alternative Links: After Spirals on my photobucket account here. Bond of Pair on my album here. Before CD Drama on MegaUpload. After 2 CD Drama on MegaUpload. After 2 Images (Do not steal; My own scans): Front, Back, CD inside, CD, Outside, Page 1, Page 2 }
Anyone is welcome to type out a script/summary for any of the above, just credit me for the scans/cam shots please.
Wallpapers [ total of 13 ]
^New^ Vectored in Adobe Illustrator by myself. Do not steal or redistribute - 1600x1200 - 800KB
Vectored in Adobe Illustrator by myself. Do not steal or redistribute - 1600x1200 - 800KB
Other Wallpapers (not made by me) [ total of 12 ]
Vectors (Made by me, credit if you want to use!) [ total of 3 ]
Production Sketches [ total of 16 ]
My Scans (From Various things i own) [ total of 18 ]
Series Art [ total of 9 ]
ArtBook [ total of 11 ]
Pocket Novel Art [ total of 8 ]
OCCS Level 2 [ total of 17 ]
screens [ total of 209 ]
Icons ( All 100x100 )
Found here.
I didn't know where to place this stuff; A various amount of FFU related things, not necessarily all Makenshi centric.
My Youtube account - AMV's.
ADV Booklet 1 scan, inside and outside.
ADV Booklet 7 scan, inside and outside.
Calendar picture cleaned by me.
Eden Pleasure, Kaze x Kumo Doujinshi.
Extra merchandise here.