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Welcome to the this small page dedicated to Akai Kiri, Shirio Kumo's older brother from the anime Final Fantasy: Unlimited. First of all, if you haven't watched episode 18.. You may want to leave as not to be spoiled.

Common names


ma - dou - shi  »demon - teaching - (n) 


Akai Kiri - The Red Fog

Madoushi - Demon Sorcerer


Voice Actors

Voice Actor:  David Stokey

Seiyuu: Hideyuki Tanaka



After Zero gives us a glimpse into his past, as well as Kumo's. When Kumo lost his Mist in the After spirals, it was Kiri's Madou that restored Kumo's powers, as well as bestow Kiri's power upon himself.


Only appears in episode 18 in which he was resurrected by Oscar to test his strength against his brother to determine who among them was the stronger. His red mist is a noxious gas and he seems to also be capable of summoning a Sword Dragon using Mist bottles and casting magic using his sword (Sword Magic). Though in the end, Kumo was forced to let his brother rest once and for all by destroying his sword.

"Enveloped in a beautiful song, now sleep! Pure Red Requiem!"




Others ( Not made my me )



Production Sketches



From the Kiri Fanlisting



My scans


Episode 18 screenshots [ total of 55 ]


Icons Found here