Originally planned to run for 52 episodes, low budget due to "The Spirit's Within" resulted in the production cut to 25 episodes. Though the show was cut, it was continued in a number of Novels and Drama CDs in Japan.
Please be aware that there are spoilers past here.
Common Names
Shiroi Kumo - The White Cloud »Makenshi - Demon Swordsman
魔剣士 白雲
Ma - Ken - Shi - Demon - Sword - (n)
Shiroi Kumo - White Cloud
Voice Actors
Voice Actor: J. Shanon Weaver
Seiyuu: Akira Ishida
FF:U Before (CD drama - Features a flashback to the destruction of Kaze and Kumo's worlds.)
Sou no Kizuna (Bonds of Two - side-story that is set during the television series (somewhere before episode 12).)
FF:U (Anime/TV Series.)
FF:U After (book - Containing a 32 page manga and 120 page script. It covers the twins' return to their own world, journeys into Lisa's past and introduces the new villain Soljashy. Camera Shots Here. )
FF:U After Spiral (web story - series of web novels published on the official Japanese FF:U website. The site no longer exists, though I did find the pages and saved them on my photobucket account here. The first of these short stories takes a quick plunge into Kumo's past, while the rest describe an encounter between the show's heroes and Soljashy on Sado Island, where Ai and Yu are briefly reunited with their old friend Touya Satomi.)
FF:U After 2 (CD drama - deals with Comodeen's final attack on Gaudium and brings a conclusion to the conflict between Lisa and Soljashy, however it leaves many questions yet unanswered.)
Kumo - commonly known as “Makenshi” or “White Cloud,” - is from Misteria and Royalty. It is speculated that all his ‘people’ are sword or Maken wielders known as Makenshi’s (Demon Swordsman) and Madoushi’s (Demon Sorcerer), who use musical terms and Mist to summon a creature called “Ittouju” or “Sword Dragon.” Mist bottles must be cut in a linear motion for this to be successful, and masks are often wore to contain their Mist which have Status Effects.
Twelve years ago, Kaze absorbed himself into Chaos and Kumo, (after believing trying to destroy Chaos would be futile,) summoned his Symphony in hopes of finally destroying Chaos. (It is speculated that since he was Unlimited, and Chaos cannot defeat the Unlimited itself, it attempts to make them destroy one another.) This is where the series first starts and we see him as a mysterious “henchmen” to the Earl, it is later revealed that he was in fact gathering information on Chaos.
In episode 18, when his brother was resurrected, he has no choice but to put aside his emotions and put Kiri back to sleep once and for all. After this, he took a short break from “screen”, probably thinking of his next move. Revealing his true face in DVD7, he tells the Comodeen to run, intending to take the burden of defeating Chaos on himself. After being impaled by his sword in episode 25, he returns the favour from twelve years ago..
Kumo: …Aura was a beautiful person.
Sid: Huh? What?
Kumo: …Never mind…
Kumo idolised his brother from a young age and would go as far as to put aside his studies to watch Kiri practice with the sword. When asked by his ‘big brother’ why he wanted to study the sword, he said, "I'll decide once I've caught up with you," To which he received, "You sure have a way with words…" Kiri, worried for his brother, reluctantly decided to teach him.
Due to Kumo being royalty - therefore probably not allowed to leave home - he can be seen longing for friends in the likes of Ai, Yuh, Lisa and even Kaze. In the books and Drama's this desire becomes apparent; in one very cute gesture, Kumo entrusts Ai with Clear's Omega Crystal. Apparently Ai and Yuh can look past Kumo's former actions, as he is soon narrowly escaping cleaning their house and getting yelled at by Ai for being late!
Sadly, Kumo's longing for friends is never fulfilled as he has to return to Wonderland with Kaze to destroy Chaos. (Chaos wasn't quite destroyed, and being Unlimited Kaze and Kumo must continue on (even through death) until he is defeated.)
He never actually lets the comodeen fight in the After Spiral's, Kumo is insistent that their fighting will only feed Chaos more. When Knave asks, "Then what are we supposed to do!?", Kumo replies, "Don't do a thing. I shall… take care of it…" at the time he hardly seems capable of this, since he was badly wounded.
After being rescued by Crux at the end of the series, Kumo losses his Mist; it is Kiri who helps to restore this. Upon being saved by a chunk of Misteria still present in Wonderland. Crux finds Kiri's grave and passes on Kiri's crystal - and subsiquently his Madou - to Kumo. His Mist is restored, additonally he can summon with Kiri's red (as well as his natural white) Mist and gains the 'twin cross sword.'
"Remember this. You are not to seek strength for the purpose of fighting alone."
Episode 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 18, 20, 23, 24 & 25.
After Zero, Before, After, After Spiral & After 2
DVD inserts
The wielder of the Maken (litterally "evil sword") Lives under the Earl's roof, but is not one of the four lords. He is not really interested in finishing things with Kaze, unless the Earl orders him to challenge Kaze to a fight. The Earl calls him "Makenshi".
Notes: Taken from ffcompendium.com
Madoushi/Makenshi/Magan: This is interesting... a professional translator friend of mine says that "ma" can mean either "magic", as in "mahou", or "demon", as in "akuma". In fact, I'm rather inclined to say that in this case "ma" does mean "magic" rather than "demon", which isn't like either Soldats nor Chikara. That'd mean that Makenshi would be "Magical Swordsman", and the Magan would be "Magical Gun". To digress, the Magic Swordsman/Paladin class of FF5 was called "mahoukenshi" in Japan, in this case stressing the fact that he actually casts magic from his sword (whereas "makenshi" might stress the fact that the sword itself is magical). Similarly, the various Mages in FF are known as "madoushi", as in "kuromadoushi" (Black Mage), "shiroimadoushi" (White Mage), etc.
Black Mage (黒魔道士 Kuromadoushi) Blue Mage (青魔道士 Aomadoushi) Red Mage ( 赤魔道士 Akamadoushi) White Mage (白魔道士 Shiromadoshi) Time Mage (時魔道士, tokimadoushi) Dark Knight (暗黒騎士 Ankoku Kishi) Dragon Knight (竜騎士 Ryukishi) Geomancer (風水士 Fusuishi) Summoner (召喚士 Shoukanshi) - Conjurer (幻術師 Genjuttsushi), and Summoner (魔界幻士 Makaigenshi)
"魔剣(まけん)とは、神話や伝説、小説などに登場する魔法の力を持つ剣のこと。通常は傷付けられない神や魔物を斬る力など、何らかの特 別な能力を有している場合が多く、その所持者に大きな力を与える。だが一方で不幸をもたらすとされるものも多い。"
"Maken is a sword which carries magic power, appearing on myths, legends and fictions. It contains special abilities that gives its owner great power, like hurting un-hurtable gods or monsters, or any other special abilities according to its circumstance. However, it often brings misfortune to the owner."
Kumo - Protect/Shell
Kiri - Flame Sword(Fire)/Stop
Notes: There is a reason why I said "stop", It's closely related to "paralyze" which is what Kiri's Mist DOES. "Don't Move" Is an exclusive FFT status effect. Kumo's mist obviously puts people to sleep, as all his summon lines suggest.
A Maken wielder called The White Cloud. He initiates his summons by adding a linear motion with his sword to a vapor-like energy called Mist. His breath is also Mist, so he keeps it under control with his mask in order to prevent it from becoming activated under normal circumstances. In the past, he fought along side his brother to protect his home world from Chaos's attack, but the world was destroyed anyways. There is still a lot of mystery surrounding this character, due to the fact that he is a man of few words.
After/After Spiral/After 2
Note about novels/drama CDs: When Kumo looses his mist, it's Kiri's Madou that restores it to him, it also bestows on Kumo some of Kiri's power; He then summons with both Red and White coloured Mist. (Also receives the "twin cross sword" from the inherited power.) Translations are still being edited.
Summon Lines
"Now, again it's the time for the tone of "madou" to awaken. Mist! Play the melody of soul!"
"Play it! Duet of white and red phoneix!"
鳳(feng): Chinese phoneix, which is a mythical bird with the property of fire (and so is associated with the color red) in Chinese myths. In some ancient text, It is described that there are five colours of fengs according to the colour representing the five elements.
白鳳: a white feng.
朱雀: directly translated as the red bird. The red feng which protects the South celestrial sphere.
"Now, again, it's the time for the melody of "madou" to flow. Mist! Calm the darkness of heart with light!"
"Serenade of confession and true heart!"
表白: I guess it means 告白. Confession or declaration of love.
赤心: directly translated as "bare" heart. I guess it means a true or sincere heart.
"The forest of Chaos, be burnt by the fire of hell and vanish away!"
"White Wall Quartet!"
業火: The fire of hell. A Budhist term meaning "the fire of hell" which burns sinners for the sins they committed.
白亜: Chalk, white soil (earth), white wall, the Cretaceous (period).
「君は、今この瞬間宇宙のあらゆる場所で生きている全ての命もろとも滅ぼすつもりなのか。全てを破壊する以外に、混沌を滅する道はないと、本当に思っているのか! アウラは…そんなことは望んでいなかったはずだ...」
"Do you want to destroy all the lives which live in this (instant) world? Do you really think that there is no way to destroy Chaos without destroying every being? Aura wouldn't wish to see that..."
"The battle between us would only summon destruction. Why don't you see the peace of life now?"
DVD7: Summon File
Ittouju (Sword Dragon)
It first appears in the outside world along with the Pillar of Light. It is summoned when Kumo adds a linear motion to a bottle filled with Mist. It has many permutations.
A look at the Mist used for Summons
The only beast Kumo is capable of summoning is the Sword Dragon. However, adjustments to the number of Mist used and the linear motion energy unleashed by the Maken determine the size and number that are summoned. The words and Sword Dragon on each occasion are as follows:
Episode 4: "Embraced by the magical tune played by the Mist, now sleep! Silver Etude!"
n. Music
A piece composed for the development of a specific point of technique.
A composition featuring a point of technique but performed because of its artistic merit.
[French étude, from Old French estudie, study.]
Episode 13: "Now sleep to the prelude of brightness played by the Mist! Prelude of the White Heat!"
Note: Kaze was able to destroy the Mist bottle before the Summon took place.
An introductory performance, event, or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface.
A piece or movement that serves as an introduction to another section or composition and establishes the key, such as one that precedes a fugue, opens a suite, or precedes a church service.
A similar but independent composition for the piano.
The overture to an oratorio, opera, or act of an opera.
A short composition of the 15th and early 16th centuries written in a free style, usually for keyboard.
[Medieval Latin praelūdium, from Latin praelūdere, to play beforehand : prae-, pre- + lūdere, to play; see leid- in Indo-European Roots.]
Episode 18: "Pure white Requiem!"
Note: His brother used similar words, "Enveloped in a beautiful song, now sleep! Pure Red Requiem!"
Requiem Roman Catholic Church.
A mass for a deceased person.
A musical composition for such a mass.
A hymn, composition, or service for the dead.
[Middle English, from Latin, accusative of requiēs, rest, the first word of the mass for the dead : re-, re- + quiēs, quiet; see kweiə- in Indo-European Roots.]
Episode 20: "All things ride on my beautiful song and be off! Nocturne of the White Heat!"
A painting of a night scene.
An instrumental composition of a pensive, dreamy mood, especially one for the piano.
[French, from Old French, nocturnal, from Latin nocturnus.]
Episode 23: "Listen to the Eternal duo, now sleep! Duet of the Arctic Night!"
Note: Summons 2 dragons, thus uses two Mist bottles.
A composition for two voices or two instruments.
A group of two singers or two instrumentalists.
A pair.
[Italian duetto, diminutive of duo, from Latin, two. See dwo- in Indo-European Roots.]
Episode 24: "The concerto played by my mist seduces you, now sleep! Concert of the Drawn Sword!"
Note: Merged his two dragons.
n. pl. con-cer-tos or con-cer-ti
A composition for an orchestra and one or more solo instruments, typically in three movements.
[Italian, concert. See concert.]
Episode 24: "Play it, Pist! The Rhapsody of Innocence!"
Note: You talk too much, Pist :P
Episode 24: "Play it! Chalk Quartet!"
Note: Summons 4 dragons, thus uses four Mist bottles.
quar-tet also quar-tette
A composition for four voices or four instruments.
A group of four singers or four instrumentalists.
A group of four.
[French quartette, from Italian quartetto, diminutive of quarto, fourth, from Latin quārtus. See quart.]
Episode 25: "The mist of my soul, I must play it! Symphony of the White Cloud!"
Note: Kumo converted his own soul into Mist. He purposely allowed himself to be taken in to seal Chaos's mobility. Just as Kaze had done 12 years ago ..
Please be aware that there are spoilers past here.
Common Names
Shiroi Kumo - The White Cloud »Makenshi - Demon Swordsman
魔剣士 白雲
Ma - Ken - Shi - Demon - Sword - (n)
Shiroi Kumo - White Cloud
Voice Actors
Voice Actor: J. Shanon Weaver
Seiyuu: Akira Ishida
FF:U Before (CD drama - Features a flashback to the destruction of Kaze and Kumo's worlds.)
Sou no Kizuna (Bonds of Two - side-story that is set during the television series (somewhere before episode 12).)
FF:U (Anime/TV Series.)
FF:U After (book - Containing a 32 page manga and 120 page script. It covers the twins' return to their own world, journeys into Lisa's past and introduces the new villain Soljashy. Camera Shots Here. )
FF:U After Spiral (web story - series of web novels published on the official Japanese FF:U website. The site no longer exists, though I did find the pages and saved them on my photobucket account here. The first of these short stories takes a quick plunge into Kumo's past, while the rest describe an encounter between the show's heroes and Soljashy on Sado Island, where Ai and Yu are briefly reunited with their old friend Touya Satomi.)
FF:U After 2 (CD drama - deals with Comodeen's final attack on Gaudium and brings a conclusion to the conflict between Lisa and Soljashy, however it leaves many questions yet unanswered.)
Kumo - commonly known as “Makenshi” or “White Cloud,” - is from Misteria and Royalty. It is speculated that all his ‘people’ are sword or Maken wielders known as Makenshi’s (Demon Swordsman) and Madoushi’s (Demon Sorcerer), who use musical terms and Mist to summon a creature called “Ittouju” or “Sword Dragon.” Mist bottles must be cut in a linear motion for this to be successful, and masks are often wore to contain their Mist which have Status Effects.
Twelve years ago, Kaze absorbed himself into Chaos and Kumo, (after believing trying to destroy Chaos would be futile,) summoned his Symphony in hopes of finally destroying Chaos. (It is speculated that since he was Unlimited, and Chaos cannot defeat the Unlimited itself, it attempts to make them destroy one another.) This is where the series first starts and we see him as a mysterious “henchmen” to the Earl, it is later revealed that he was in fact gathering information on Chaos.
In episode 18, when his brother was resurrected, he has no choice but to put aside his emotions and put Kiri back to sleep once and for all. After this, he took a short break from “screen”, probably thinking of his next move. Revealing his true face in DVD7, he tells the Comodeen to run, intending to take the burden of defeating Chaos on himself. After being impaled by his sword in episode 25, he returns the favour from twelve years ago..
Kumo: …Aura was a beautiful person.
Sid: Huh? What?
Kumo: …Never mind…
Kumo idolised his brother from a young age and would go as far as to put aside his studies to watch Kiri practice with the sword. When asked by his ‘big brother’ why he wanted to study the sword, he said, "I'll decide once I've caught up with you," To which he received, "You sure have a way with words…" Kiri, worried for his brother, reluctantly decided to teach him.
Due to Kumo being royalty - therefore probably not allowed to leave home - he can be seen longing for friends in the likes of Ai, Yuh, Lisa and even Kaze. In the books and Drama's this desire becomes apparent; in one very cute gesture, Kumo entrusts Ai with Clear's Omega Crystal. Apparently Ai and Yuh can look past Kumo's former actions, as he is soon narrowly escaping cleaning their house and getting yelled at by Ai for being late!
Sadly, Kumo's longing for friends is never fulfilled as he has to return to Wonderland with Kaze to destroy Chaos. (Chaos wasn't quite destroyed, and being Unlimited Kaze and Kumo must continue on (even through death) until he is defeated.)
He never actually lets the comodeen fight in the After Spiral's, Kumo is insistent that their fighting will only feed Chaos more. When Knave asks, "Then what are we supposed to do!?", Kumo replies, "Don't do a thing. I shall… take care of it…" at the time he hardly seems capable of this, since he was badly wounded.
After being rescued by Crux at the end of the series, Kumo losses his Mist; it is Kiri who helps to restore this. Upon being saved by a chunk of Misteria still present in Wonderland. Crux finds Kiri's grave and passes on Kiri's crystal - and subsiquently his Madou - to Kumo. His Mist is restored, additonally he can summon with Kiri's red (as well as his natural white) Mist and gains the 'twin cross sword.'
"Remember this. You are not to seek strength for the purpose of fighting alone."
Episode 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 18, 20, 23, 24 & 25.
After Zero, Before, After, After Spiral & After 2
DVD inserts
The wielder of the Maken (litterally "evil sword") Lives under the Earl's roof, but is not one of the four lords. He is not really interested in finishing things with Kaze, unless the Earl orders him to challenge Kaze to a fight. The Earl calls him "Makenshi".
Notes: Taken from ffcompendium.com
Madoushi/Makenshi/Magan: This is interesting... a professional translator friend of mine says that "ma" can mean either "magic", as in "mahou", or "demon", as in "akuma". In fact, I'm rather inclined to say that in this case "ma" does mean "magic" rather than "demon", which isn't like either Soldats nor Chikara. That'd mean that Makenshi would be "Magical Swordsman", and the Magan would be "Magical Gun". To digress, the Magic Swordsman/Paladin class of FF5 was called "mahoukenshi" in Japan, in this case stressing the fact that he actually casts magic from his sword (whereas "makenshi" might stress the fact that the sword itself is magical). Similarly, the various Mages in FF are known as "madoushi", as in "kuromadoushi" (Black Mage), "shiroimadoushi" (White Mage), etc.
Black Mage (黒魔道士 Kuromadoushi) Blue Mage (青魔道士 Aomadoushi) Red Mage ( 赤魔道士 Akamadoushi) White Mage (白魔道士 Shiromadoshi) Time Mage (時魔道士, tokimadoushi) Dark Knight (暗黒騎士 Ankoku Kishi) Dragon Knight (竜騎士 Ryukishi) Geomancer (風水士 Fusuishi) Summoner (召喚士 Shoukanshi) - Conjurer (幻術師 Genjuttsushi), and Summoner (魔界幻士 Makaigenshi)
"魔剣(まけん)とは、神話や伝説、小説などに登場する魔法の力を持つ剣のこと。通常は傷付けられない神や魔物を斬る力など、何らかの特 別な能力を有している場合が多く、その所持者に大きな力を与える。だが一方で不幸をもたらすとされるものも多い。"
"Maken is a sword which carries magic power, appearing on myths, legends and fictions. It contains special abilities that gives its owner great power, like hurting un-hurtable gods or monsters, or any other special abilities according to its circumstance. However, it often brings misfortune to the owner."
Kumo - Protect/Shell
Kiri - Flame Sword(Fire)/Stop
Notes: There is a reason why I said "stop", It's closely related to "paralyze" which is what Kiri's Mist DOES. "Don't Move" Is an exclusive FFT status effect. Kumo's mist obviously puts people to sleep, as all his summon lines suggest.
A Maken wielder called The White Cloud. He initiates his summons by adding a linear motion with his sword to a vapor-like energy called Mist. His breath is also Mist, so he keeps it under control with his mask in order to prevent it from becoming activated under normal circumstances. In the past, he fought along side his brother to protect his home world from Chaos's attack, but the world was destroyed anyways. There is still a lot of mystery surrounding this character, due to the fact that he is a man of few words.
After/After Spiral/After 2
Note about novels/drama CDs: When Kumo looses his mist, it's Kiri's Madou that restores it to him, it also bestows on Kumo some of Kiri's power; He then summons with both Red and White coloured Mist. (Also receives the "twin cross sword" from the inherited power.) Translations are still being edited.
Summon Lines
"Now, again it's the time for the tone of "madou" to awaken. Mist! Play the melody of soul!"
"Play it! Duet of white and red phoneix!"
鳳(feng): Chinese phoneix, which is a mythical bird with the property of fire (and so is associated with the color red) in Chinese myths. In some ancient text, It is described that there are five colours of fengs according to the colour representing the five elements.
白鳳: a white feng.
朱雀: directly translated as the red bird. The red feng which protects the South celestrial sphere.
"Now, again, it's the time for the melody of "madou" to flow. Mist! Calm the darkness of heart with light!"
"Serenade of confession and true heart!"
表白: I guess it means 告白. Confession or declaration of love.
赤心: directly translated as "bare" heart. I guess it means a true or sincere heart.
"The forest of Chaos, be burnt by the fire of hell and vanish away!"
"White Wall Quartet!"
業火: The fire of hell. A Budhist term meaning "the fire of hell" which burns sinners for the sins they committed.
白亜: Chalk, white soil (earth), white wall, the Cretaceous (period).
「君は、今この瞬間宇宙のあらゆる場所で生きている全ての命もろとも滅ぼすつもりなのか。全てを破壊する以外に、混沌を滅する道はないと、本当に思っているのか! アウラは…そんなことは望んでいなかったはずだ...」
"Do you want to destroy all the lives which live in this (instant) world? Do you really think that there is no way to destroy Chaos without destroying every being? Aura wouldn't wish to see that..."
"The battle between us would only summon destruction. Why don't you see the peace of life now?"
DVD7: Summon File
Ittouju (Sword Dragon)
It first appears in the outside world along with the Pillar of Light. It is summoned when Kumo adds a linear motion to a bottle filled with Mist. It has many permutations.
A look at the Mist used for Summons
The only beast Kumo is capable of summoning is the Sword Dragon. However, adjustments to the number of Mist used and the linear motion energy unleashed by the Maken determine the size and number that are summoned. The words and Sword Dragon on each occasion are as follows:
Episode 4: "Embraced by the magical tune played by the Mist, now sleep! Silver Etude!"
n. Music
A piece composed for the development of a specific point of technique.
A composition featuring a point of technique but performed because of its artistic merit.
[French étude, from Old French estudie, study.]
Episode 13: "Now sleep to the prelude of brightness played by the Mist! Prelude of the White Heat!"
Note: Kaze was able to destroy the Mist bottle before the Summon took place.
An introductory performance, event, or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface.
A piece or movement that serves as an introduction to another section or composition and establishes the key, such as one that precedes a fugue, opens a suite, or precedes a church service.
A similar but independent composition for the piano.
The overture to an oratorio, opera, or act of an opera.
A short composition of the 15th and early 16th centuries written in a free style, usually for keyboard.
[Medieval Latin praelūdium, from Latin praelūdere, to play beforehand : prae-, pre- + lūdere, to play; see leid- in Indo-European Roots.]
Episode 18: "Pure white Requiem!"
Note: His brother used similar words, "Enveloped in a beautiful song, now sleep! Pure Red Requiem!"
Requiem Roman Catholic Church.
A mass for a deceased person.
A musical composition for such a mass.
A hymn, composition, or service for the dead.
[Middle English, from Latin, accusative of requiēs, rest, the first word of the mass for the dead : re-, re- + quiēs, quiet; see kweiə- in Indo-European Roots.]
Episode 20: "All things ride on my beautiful song and be off! Nocturne of the White Heat!"
A painting of a night scene.
An instrumental composition of a pensive, dreamy mood, especially one for the piano.
[French, from Old French, nocturnal, from Latin nocturnus.]
Episode 23: "Listen to the Eternal duo, now sleep! Duet of the Arctic Night!"
Note: Summons 2 dragons, thus uses two Mist bottles.
A composition for two voices or two instruments.
A group of two singers or two instrumentalists.
A pair.
[Italian duetto, diminutive of duo, from Latin, two. See dwo- in Indo-European Roots.]
Episode 24: "The concerto played by my mist seduces you, now sleep! Concert of the Drawn Sword!"
Note: Merged his two dragons.
n. pl. con-cer-tos or con-cer-ti
A composition for an orchestra and one or more solo instruments, typically in three movements.
[Italian, concert. See concert.]
Episode 24: "Play it, Pist! The Rhapsody of Innocence!"
Note: You talk too much, Pist :P
Episode 24: "Play it! Chalk Quartet!"
Note: Summons 4 dragons, thus uses four Mist bottles.
quar-tet also quar-tette
A composition for four voices or four instruments.
A group of four singers or four instrumentalists.
A group of four.
[French quartette, from Italian quartetto, diminutive of quarto, fourth, from Latin quārtus. See quart.]
Episode 25: "The mist of my soul, I must play it! Symphony of the White Cloud!"
Note: Kumo converted his own soul into Mist. He purposely allowed himself to be taken in to seal Chaos's mobility. Just as Kaze had done 12 years ago ..