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 Final Fantasy Search Engin

The FF:U Ring. - Some Adult art here, so you have been warned.
Picoter - One of my favourite sites.
Cappuccino - Some very cute Kiri and Kumo art here.


The Comodeen - Livejournal community for the Fans.

FF-U Worlds Forums - Place for fans to discuss the series.


About the Owner - where you can find me

I'm Manda, 27, a Leo and a long time Final Fantasy: Unlimited nut. I'm a media student attending Humber Collage for Package and Graphic Design. I do everything from making web pages, banners, icons, vectors, wallpapers- you name it.


My Livejournal - About the life and times of me. Some things are friends only. I post almost all of my graphics and mumbling here.

My Youtube account - My old FF:U AMV's can be found there.

My Photobucket Account - All my images are linked here if you're curious.

My Deviantart Account - Scraps plus all the stuff on here.

My Nicovideo FF:U List - The Japanese make the best parodies.